2012년 12월 10일 월요일

Term 2 Week 5: Nov 26th - Nov 30th 2012

Topic: Music Analysis Test and continuation of MDW booklet!

  • Theory Class:

1. Nov 27th - Since our music analysis test was postponed last week, we had to do the assessment today. In my opinion, the test was quite easy, because the musical notation and symbols were the ones that I've already learned during the practice quiz last week. However for some questions it was quite confusing, because for example, one of the question was asking about 'Sforzando' with a given symbol, but the symbol was different from the one I've learned last week. Other than that, I thought the quiz was quite easy and not really challenging.

2. Nov 28th - Today Mr. John asked us to play our Rondo composition from him to just see our progression on preparing for our performance next week. However I didn't perform yet because I thought compared to other student's melody, my melody is not catchy and nice, and I wasn't prepared yet, so I've decided to practice well during the week ends in order to make better sound of my melody.

3. Nov 29th - Mr.John showed us our test results, where in I've got 3 mistakes. Two of them was a silly mistake because I miss read the note and didn't read the music sheet carefully, so I was not happy to myself with the careless mistakes I have done. For the last one wrong answer I had, it's actually the correct answer, and Mr.John corrected wrong for the question, so I could say that I have 2 mistakes that I could have not done it if I was more careful.

  • Instrument Class:

1. Nov 27th - I didn't play my violin much during the instrument class today, because after having the music analysis written test during the theory class, I was tired, and I wanted to relax myself with good songs, so I played piano and also heard others playing the violin and guitar.

2. Nov 28th - Today I played my Rondo composition in the instrument class, because from the theory class, I have realized that I have to practice much more until I can play it with good techniques and skills. Also, I began memorizing the song since the performance day was not far behind.

3. Nov 29th - After Mr.John showed us our test scores, he asked us to do the MDW booklet where in I also have to write reflections on what I've done for each music session. Therefore, we didn't have instrument class today, and instead we've continued on writing our reflections in MDW in the theory class. 

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