2011년 2월 10일 목요일

Music Reflection - 7th February 2011, Monday

Today in our music theory class, we read the 'Classical Music Periods' worksheet until we fully understand them and that we can memorize the names easily. It was little bit bored but it helped me on understand the reading passage. The test is delayed to next monday because of the ISA test, so I'm going to study hard for my written test Assessment.

Music Reflection - 31th January 2011, Monday

Today we spent most of our time in music theory. We did our re-test for solo singing, but I didn't need to take the re-test since I got 10 last week. When the re-test was done, me, Karisa, Rila, Dami, Vira, Derian, Rana, Nadya, Dheanna and Alicia was called to sing 'My favorite Things' together as a choir. It was very tiring since Mr. Sadrakh wnated us to sing very high >:O. Then, we read about classical music periods to practice for our written assessment.

Music Reflection - 27th January 2011, Thursday

Today we did our solo singing assessment in our music theory class. All of us sang the song called 'My favorite things' which describes the favorites things of the composer. According to the lyrics, I think it means when we're sad, we think of our favorite things which will make us feel better. In my opinion, I think I did good, but next time I'm going to practice more and be more confident.

Music Reflection - 24th January 2011, Monday

Today in music theory class, we learned about 'Intervals'. It was harder than the Natural Scales so the whole class had to repeat practicing it. It was also little bit confusing to me so I had a bit of mistakes. Especially for sharp and flat, I had to think for a while. However, the class was fun and I enjoyed it :)

Music Reflection - 20th January 2011, Thursday

  Today in music theory cloass, we first learned about 'Natural Scale". We learned that there are 8 scales, and that they all have different notes. And them, we learned how to sing our new song called "My Favorite Things". We are going to have our solo singing assessment next week so I have to memorize the lyrics.