- Theory Class:
- Tuesday: Mr.John introduced two new songs, and it was Katyusha and the Dark eyes. Both of them are Russian songs because our topic for this term is learning about music in the Russian Revolutions, and its impact to the society until now. We tried listening to the songs and deciding which one will be better for our assessment.
- Wednesday: We've decided to sing the Dark eyes because Katyusha is too fast for us to catch up, and the pronunciation of Russian language itself is very hard for us to prepare for our solo singing assessment.
- Thursday: We didn't have class today because we had to stay home due to the flood.
- Instrument Class:
- Tuesday: We only talked about our vacation again for the instrument class today.
- Wednesday: We did nothing at all today, but we only talked about our trip to Singapore and other things that are not related to music.
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