- Tuesday: Today Mr. John was absent, so Mr. Herry substituted us. We first evaluated our Jingle composition as a group. First, we evaluated Rilya, Pinka and my jingle by listening to the composition from Finale. We got a lot of positive and negative feedbacks from our classmates, so I wrote them down on my journal and reflected on them for my future composition to get better than this one. When my group were discussing about our composition last week, we thought that our jingle is quite catchy even though the melody is entirely chilling and calming. However the feedbacks from our friends made us realise that not all audiences feel that way. Many of them told us that it is not quite catchy because of the calm melody, but we also got a lot of positive feedbacks, such as that our composition matches with the airline commercial as we wanted and that the simple and calm melody makes the audiences very chill and relaxed.
- Wednesday: Today Mr. John was still absent, so Mr. Herry substituted us again. Today we continued playing our violin as a group. We tried exercising with our violins by playing 'A' and 'D' strings. Since I'm a violin student, it was a very easy thing for me to just play two different strings, but there were also a lot of my friends who were having first experience playing violin, so Mr. Herry asked the 5 violin students, including me, to assist the other 5 non-violin students by sitting next to them each other and helping them to sort out how to play violin with good posture and making good sound, so it wasn't boring at all to me and it was also very interesting experience because this was the first time for me to teach someone how to play violin.
- Thursday: Today Mr. John came back to our class, so we continued playing violin as a whole group of class. However we played in different variation from tester (but same song), so we got to play with pizzicato, argo and learned the down and up sign. Again, I got the chance to teach my friends next to me, and I hope my advises made them feel easier to play the violin because I was very eager in teaching them because it was so fun to watch them learn new things that I know and leading them to a better way of playing violin.
- Tuesday: We came back to theory class after lunch, and at first we finalised evaluating other group's jingle composition, and with Mr. Sadrakh, all of us tried playing violin for our final assessment, which is the "playing a song with string instrument". I'm quite excited about this assessment, because since I had an assessment on playing our own instruments in term 1, we didn't have ant other solo assessment on our instruments, so I'm very excited on choosing which song I'm going to play, and how
i'm going to ply n a nice melody. I'm also very excited for other classmates too, because this time, all students have to have an assessment in playing violin, even though they are nit a violin student, so I'm very looking forward for this assessment.
- Wednesday: After the snack, we came back to our theory class and continued playing violin. We played the first line of "Suwe Ora Jamu" with Violin 1, 2 and Cello, and I think we were quite good, because m friends who were playing violin for the first time were also very good in playing the violin.
- Thursday: We didn't have instrument class today because we continued playing violin as an ensemble until the end of the music class. Also, we received our real MDW booklet today so we filled in our reflection on our essay assessment with today's daily reflection.