Reflection Questions: - What have I learned?
- What kind of challenges did I face?
- How can I improve it next time?
- Theory Class:
1. Oct 9th- Since next week is the assessment week for us to perform the Romantic music with our instruments, each one of us practiced in front of our class. I didn't practice today in class, because we didn't have enough time for all of us to perform, however I listened to my friends performance and commented on their progress of practicing.
2. Oct 10th- We practiced for the final time individually. We didn't particularly performed in front of the class, but we rather practiced all together with our friends, and commented whether we are well prepared or not.
3. Oct 11th- We had a worksheet about G clefs and Bass clefs, so that we can fully understand the difference between the two of them. It was quite easy for me, because I've learnt it before, unlike I had to understand more about scales and chords.
- Instrument Class:
1. Oct 9th- During the instrument class, I practiced my Romantic song that i will be performing next week. Mr.Sadrakh told me to memorize my song, because he said I can get a better score if I can play as I memorize it. Therefore I will try memorizing the song during the week ends.
2. Oct 10th- Today other violin students finalized their song for their assessments, since I've already finalized my song with my teacher yesterday.
3. Oct 11th- I played the song for the last time, but I haven't memorized the song, therefore I have to practice for the whole week ends to memorize the whole song, and successfully perform next week.
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