2011년 3월 17일 목요일

Music Reflection - 17th March 2011, Thursday

Today was the last day of our music class for this term! I was happy with it because I couldn't wait to rest for the 1 week break. :P
During the theory class, we reviwed what we've learned and also previewed what we're going to learn next term. While discussing what we're going to learn next term, I got excited because we'll do a lot fun things in term 4. 
Even though it was the last day for music class in term 3, I was not sad since we also have music class in term 4, so it enjoyed the last music session for this term, and also laughed for the whole session, like what we always do in our music class :D

Music Reflection - 14th March 2011, Monday

Today mr.Sadrakh told us our score and I got 8!!! :D I was little bit shocked because I thought I did bad for my assessment. But then Derian and I played 'can can' together to get more score, and now my score is 8.5-_- 
But still I gained 0.5 to sum up with my original score, so I was very happy.
Some other people also took the re-test and gained more score like me and Derian. So today, all we did was playing our instrument and laughing because of students who plays their instrument in a funny position :P
Anyways, I enjoyed today's music theory class very much (:

Music Reflection - 10th March 2011, Thursday

Today we had our last assessment for this term. I was the last one to play my violin, so it made me more nervous. As a result, I got many mistakes and I don't think I can get a good score for this assessment. T-T I was quite upset because I practised for very long time from 2 weeks before the assessment. But anyways, I'm just going to wait for my result and be happy with it :D

Music Reflection - 7th March 2011, Monday

Today was the last day for us to practise our song. I practised a lot, but mr.Sadrakh didn't ask the violin students to play infront of the class, since we didn't have much time for all of us to play. However, I'm still going to practise more at my house, to get a good score and of course to improve playing violin.. Nothing much really happened today, because we just practised, and laughed, and shared our jokes. Especially mr.Sadrakh made all of us laugh for several times.. :}

Music Reflection - 3rd March 2011, Thursday

Today, finally Kimberly started attending the class. And I can say that everyone tried to help her and greet her whenever we meet her, so that she doesn't feel lonely that much.
Anyways, today we tried to play the song that we chose for our assessment next week. I think everyone did well except for some students who I can also see that they didn't practise at home. 
I chose the first song from suzuki no.4. It was quite long, so I decided to do the last page only. Since the song is still hard for me to play, I'm going to start practising today at my house in the afternoon. :D

Music Reflection - 28th February 2011, Monday

Today, we didn't do anything at all. All we did was discussing about our friend Kimberly.
The conversation started when mr.Sadrakh checked our attendence. And when it went to kimberly's turn, no one answered because she was absent. When mr.Sadrakh asked us what happened, we told him that actually she's in school right now, but she's not attending the class. Then our SLC, Karisa started explained what's happening to Kimberly. And she said that she came from another part of Indonesia, and since she's a new student, she was not good in speaking english, and she couldn't enjoy her school life because she miss her hometown. And she doesn't really talk to us, so to be true, she's actually very lonely. In the middle of the conversation, Karisa started crying because she felt bad for her, and a lot of people also showed their tears from their eyes, including me, because we all felt bad for her. Mr.Sadrakh also discussed about this problem, and he wanted us to give some suggestions about it. Eventually, all of us promised to talk to her more, and help her if she doesn't understand anything, and be more close to her so that she can get used to our environment as soon as possible. :'(

Music Reflection - 24th February 2011, Thursday

Today mr.Sadrakh informed us that we're going to have another assessment on March 10th. The assessment is about playing a classical music with our instruments. I haven't chose my song but probably I'm going to choose the 1st song from suzuki no.4, which I'm learning right now. 
Other than that, we kept on reviewing and reviewing for the scales. Mr.Sadrakh gave all of us a simple question about scales, and if we can't answer it properly, we had to study again and again. However mr.Sadrakh didn't ask me much questions than he does to others, so I just tried to answer my friends question in my mind. Anyways, I think all of us had fun today in our music class...

Music Reflection - 21th February 2011, Monday

Today we had a lot of fun. All we did in music theory class was just reviewing about scales, but we laughed during the whole class, and also learned more about scales. First of all, we learned more scales. We learned 4th, and the 5th sharp scales. It was not a hard work to understand them, because I already knew the theory and the concept about the scales. However, some boys were punished because they said that they studied about scales at home, but when Mr.Sadrakh asked them a very simple question for each, they couldn't answer, or they said the wrong answer. Anyways, I had a lot of fun today in music theory class. :)

Music Reflection - 17th February 2011, Thursday

Today, we reviewed natural scale, and learned some more scales. We learned the 1 sharp scale to 3 sharp scale. And we also had a simple quiz from mr.Sardrakh so that all of us can memorize the 1 sharp scled to 3 sharp scale, and of course the natural scale too. At first it was kind of confusing and I had some mistakes. However, we repeated again and again by giving a simple questions about scales, I finally understood everything and also memorized them too.

Music Reflection - 14th February 2011, Monday

Today we had an assessment about 'classical music periods'. The night before the test, and from the week before that, I memorised and understood about music in the past. However, during the assessment, I forgot some part, and the time was too short to write the whole essay about it, so I had to write very short for the last topic and the conclusion. After when mr.Sadrakh collected all papers, he called some students who really need to do re-test, because there answers in the assessment test was very short. So he gave time to copy the answers from the handout. I also wanted to fill more words, but mr.Sadrakh said I don't need to since I filled 2 pages, so I didn't got a chance to do the re-test.